Tzimisce Male – Sabbat Sewers – The Hard Way

vampire 2013-11-07 17-55-42-718

In this video we demonstrate a completely new area which has several ways of completing it. There is the hard way, the easy way and the smart way. Tzmisce Antitibu are a new clan in the Bloodlines Antitribu Mod. See as how the male version of the clan tries to complete the area the hard […]

Heather Embraced By Samedi

Heather (10)

Bloodlines Antitribu includes the companion mod as default. This means that you will have the ability recruit and control many of the NPCs, including Heather – your first ghoul. If you are a samedi, when you embrace her she will also carry the curse of Cain. Since she was purely human with no supernatural resistance […]

Yukie Embraced by Samedi Clan

Yukie Embraced by Samedi (10)

Bloodlines Antitribu includes the companion mod as default. This means that you will have the ability recruit and control many of the NPCs, including Yukie, the monster slayer. If you are a samedi, when you embrace her she will also carry the curse of Cain. Since she has a higher generation, and is in early […]

The Explosive Bot – Yikie’s Special Ability

vampire 2012-03-14 13-35-56-25

Yukie has a special talent and that is the ability to make special bombs out of Car Stereos. These bombs (knows as Explosive bots) can only be used by Yukie and when she activates them the bot will look for a near by target and explode dealing a considerable amount of damage. Discuss about it […]

New Companion – The Gargoyle – Rockbiter

vampire 2012-04-08 11-12-53-98

The Gargoyle – named Rockbiter – is one of your companions that can only be gained via a certain quest that involves creating your own companion with rare items found in the game. Rockbiter is smaller than the gargoyle haunting the Asian theater in Hollywood. This gargoyle is more demonic shaped and has the ability […]

Gameplay – Kick

KueJin Ninja (3)

The new element in the game is kicking, in the vanilla game you could only punch, and if you hit long enough you might land a random kick, but this is different, there is now a key just for the player to kick enemies, if you kick weak enemies it will stagger them and damage […]